Monday, November 14, 2005

count down time

Well, exams are finished. I managed to party hard enough at the end of Legal Ethics to make myself sick! I now have 6 days to get rid of this delightful combination of cold/hayfever.... quite a challenge.

You may also have noticed that I have managed to get a photo stream set-up... i have put a couple of pics from Alicia and Dan's engagement party on Saturday night. If you think i look tired- I was....! I got my new camera on Saturday- a very sexy Nikon S1- so hopefully it delivers the goods. I need to sit down and read the manual I suppose, but all my concentration was used up on exams!

Anyways, perhaps next time you hear from me I will be in Tokyo which is a whole lot more exciting than sitting at home on my computer, as if that needs to be said..... Until then... hopefully my brain recovers so that I can write something intelligent on here!
"To be a citizen does not mean merely to live in society, but to transform it. If I transform the clay into a statue I become a Sculptor; if I transform the stones into a house I become an architect; if I transform our society into something better for us all, I become a citizen" Augusto Boal