Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Donations from outside Australia


Further to what I wrote earlier today- people who want to donate from e.g England or Japan can make a tranfer to the following account. In fact anyone can do this if they want- we have opened up a special account at an Indonesian bank.

The main detail you need is the SWIFT CODE and ACCOUNT NUMBER which is for International transfers-

Account Number - 0102938973
Bank office - BNI (Bank Nasional Indonesia) UGM Yogya
The account name is- Sdr Samuel Maxim Icklow

Another good day today - lots of blankets, kerosene and food being sent to remote areas. Loads of NGO's have started arriving too.


To people who already donated to my personal account thankyou. People who are donating to the general account of the Director can you please either tell me via a comment on the blog or using my email.

This is a request from the Director so we have some degree of accountability about where the money is coming and going.

"To be a citizen does not mean merely to live in society, but to transform it. If I transform the clay into a statue I become a Sculptor; if I transform the stones into a house I become an architect; if I transform our society into something better for us all, I become a citizen" Augusto Boal