Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hey ppl,

Stuff we have been doing summarised below.

Dear ACICIS supporters, family and friends,

This is an update from the ACICIS office in Yogyakarta as of Thursday, June 1.

Firstly, on behalf of all the ACICIS students working on post-earthquake relief efforts in Yogyakarta, we sincerely thank you all for your wonderful support.

We would like to update you on what we have done so far, and what we intend to do.

Firstly, we wish to acknowledge that we are not an aid organisation. Your donations are not tax deductible, firstly because we are not working as an organisation but as a group of individuals associated with ACICIS. We understand and appreciate that you have donated because you know us as individuals, or you have been passed on information from other people you trust. We thank you for your confidence and wish to keep you informed as to where your money is going.

Secondly, because we are not set up organisationally to do this work, we are currently gathering information about several organisations we think are already best placed to carry out effective medium-term relief efforts. Obviously we will need to stop at some point and pass on any remaining money. So, today we met and made a plan for the next week all ACICIS students currently in Jogja were invited to attend. We will keep working until tomorrow (Friday) night to carry out activities already in process. We will break from Saturday to Wednesday to study and complete exams. On Thursday we will meet again with fresh energy and new information to decide how to proceed.

In summary, relief efforts so far have been:

Days 1-2 (Saturday and Sunday) Individual efforts by ACICIS students.

Day 3 (Monday) Gathered at ACICIS, those who were there pooled information about what was needed, pooled all available cash, bought medical supplies, divided up and delivered to medical posts same day. Bulk food bought along with toiletries, fuel and water and divided into 50 household packs (one big box each). Used motorbikes to deliver medical packs and rice. One night delivery of other supplies by truck to a village at Terbah.

Day 4 (Tuesday) Record keeping system developed. Start using money donated to Phil s account. Two early morning deliveries of remainder of packs made up the day before. Information feedback from deliveries about more appropriate supplies. Made new bulk food and equipment orders (tents, fuel...). Received bulk medical supplies order made the day before. Delivered back out to medical posts and villages.

Day 5 (Wednesday) Refining record keeping and organisation. Decided to combine efforts with a relief post in the south of the city who are very well organised. Two deliveries to them to distribute. Several bulk supply loads bought and picked up by others to deliver, or delivered ourselves to villages we knew were in need. Another truckload of bulk food bought. Cross checking with other organisations information re needs line up. Students also working with the university on translation tasks.

Day 6 (Thursday) Reassessment of situation. Meeting reviewed all previous efforts. Assessed financial situation and medium term plans. At least $5,000 spent so far, and it appears that at least that amount will be spent today and again tomorrow. Hundreds of different kinds of packs and other supplies delivered to at least 15 different villages to be distributed to scores of families, and scores more delivered directly to families wherever possible. Other supplies delivered to about 25 other places over the course of the week as supplementary efforts and via other contacts. Hard to evaluate numbers of people we have reached. Decided now to focus on the 3 villages we have good contacts in, that we know have not yet received other assistance. Today to be spent on delivering and organising pick up of bulk food that is here. More bulk supplies of rice, tarps, cooking oil and kerosene being bought now. Supplies like tarps are no longer available in Jogja and we are sending trucks elsewhere.

Plan for Day 7 (Friday) Focus on shopping - buy more bulk supplies with the money we have.

Saturday to Wednesday We are taking an official break, studying for and sitting exams. In the meantime, low key efforts over the 5 days will deliver existing supplies, and other contacts will pick up and deliver. We will also do some more information gathering to identify several options for use of any remaining funds.

Thursday 8 June Meeting to regather and reassess.


Once again, thank you all so much for your support. As you can understand, the situation is potentially quite stressful. The devastation to be seen is shocking, but the people affected are showing amazing resiliance and patience. We are only one small group amongst many thousands of people - from larger international aid organisations to local NGOs and temporary networks - who are all working to the best of their abilities. Whilst the need is still huge and will be for some time, the urgency is abating. Your help has made a difference up until now there were villages who had still received no government or official aid assistance. This accords with information from other groups.

With regard to further donations, we advise that whilst the work we have done to date has been useful, we cannot sustain these efforts and there are other groups that are better organised and in a position to continue to be effective. We are currently seeking alternative options for donations, and will provide you with a list you can choose from as soon as possible. Donations still being received into Phil s account will be used to fulfil requests as long as we have the energy and people. Remaining funds will be channelled into other organisations to be determined next week.

We will continue to keep you informed of our activities and decisions.

Yours sincerely

ACICIS Students in Jogja
"To be a citizen does not mean merely to live in society, but to transform it. If I transform the clay into a statue I become a Sculptor; if I transform the stones into a house I become an architect; if I transform our society into something better for us all, I become a citizen" Augusto Boal