I have been attempting to come up with a theme for this post for several days, and haven’t been able to really come up with anything groundbreaking.
I was going to give you a list of all the things I have procrastinated from doing this week (college of law assignment, writing my admission essays for Uni in the
I was going to give you a list of all the random cool things that I happened to do during the week (afternoon tea with Liberian Women’s Association, seeing a play at State Theatre, attending an Architecture exhibition on a whim and dancing with architects until the wee hours)
I was going to tell you all the things that annoyed me (the number of phone-calls it takes to connect a woman in crisis with the appropriate services, come here/go away boys with girlfriends, misogynist tour guides)
I was going to list some of the music that I love right now (The Presets, Special Patrol, the Mark Ronson cover of the Radiohead song “Just”)
But it’s all a little bit contrived!
One thing that is really annoying me at the moment is the thing going on with that sacked Minister in NSW. Regardless of what that guy is alleged to have done, everyone is entitled to be innocent until proven guilty, and to be afforded natural justice. And if you don’t agree, put yourself in that guys shoes and pretend you’re innocent, and then think about how much s*** you would now have to push uphill to demonstrate that fact. (And if anyone sees this as a tacit endorsement of sexual crimes, just try – that’s clearly not what I am saying).
It doesn’t matter what the crime is, or who the alleged criminal is, David Hicks, Milton Orkopolous, democratic societies were based on the right to a fair trial, and anyone who believes in those principles should be alarmed by the level of pre-judgement going on in this instance. People that have no idea what I am talking about should look here.
Rant rant rant.
I bought another Murakami book during the week (Hard-Boiled Wonderland….) it is yet to engross me, but I am definitely interested.
I am planning on going to see Ben Watt (one half of Everything But The Girl) in a couple of weeks, but he is on a couple of nights after Talvin Singh who I also want to see, and it might come down to a coin-toss.
Monday night drinks tomorrow. Another week of Parliament. Another weekend of dancing til my feet are covered in blisters. 5 weeks till
I really should stop writing in lists – it makes me sound sarcastic and bored, when right now I couldn’t be less so.
I have been tinkering with the blog format and will continue to do so until it is a little more spruced up. I am frustratingly limited by a lack of knowledge about HTML. Advice/mentoring welcomed…….and
Until a more coherent theme comes along.
Sampe nanti.
(Eeek - I almost forgot to say a big hello to my Granny - who debuted in the comments on the "habit" post - well done Gran!!!! and you were right! xxx)